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Logistics Objects

Create a Logistics Object

This API action is used to create a Logistics Object on a ONE Record server using the POST HTTP method. This particular Logistics Object MUST be a type of Logistics Object, i.e. data classes that inherit from the class Logistics Object, that is specified in the ONE Record data model. A list of all possible data classes that inherit from Logistics Object can be found here.


Although the creation of a Logistics Object is specified in the ONE Record API specification, it is not required to expose an API endpoint for this API action to be compliant with the ONE Record standard. The reason for this is that only the holder of the logistics object MAY create a logistics object with any business logic or technology. However, it is important that the Logistics Object is created with a Logistics Object URI that is accessible on the ONE Record network.

Nevertheless, this API action specification is included for reference, because in many cases, the use of HTTP POST is the preferred solution to create resources with REST APIs.


 POST {{baseURL}}/logistics-objects/


The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the request

Header Description Examples
Accept The content type that the ONE Record client wants the HTTP response to be formatted in. application/ld+json
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. Valid content types. application/ld+json

The HTTP request ody must contain a valid Logistics Object in the format as specified by the Content-Type in the header.


A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 201 Created status code and the following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Examples
Location The URI of the newly created Logistics Object
Type The type of the newly created Logistics Object as a URI

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
201 Logistics Object has been created No response body
400 Invalid Logistics Object Error
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to publish the Logistics Object to the server Error
409 Logistics object with specified ID already exists Error
415 Unsupported Content Type Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


Access to the Logistics Objects creation endpoint should be restricted to internal usage only, and it must not be made available to external entities.

Example A1

Creating a LogisticsObject of type Piece


POST /logistics-objects HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
        "cargo": ""
    "@type": "cargo:Piece",
    "cargo:coload": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "false"
    "cargo:handlingInstructions": [
            "@type": "cargo:HandlingInstructions",            
            "cargo:handlingInstructionsType": "SPH",
            "cargo:description": "Valuable Cargo",
            "cargo:handlingInstructionsTypeCode": "VAL"



HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

Example A2

Creating a LogisticsObject of type Company with an embedded Logistics Object of type Person


POST /logistics-objects HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
        "cargo": ""
    "@type": [
    "cargo:name": "Acme Corporation",
    "cargo:shortName": "ACME",
    "cargo:contactPersons": [
            "@type": [
            "cargo:firstName": "Jane",
            "cargo:lastName": "Doe",
            "cargo:salutation": "Ms"



HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

Example A3

Creating a LogisticsObject of type Shipment that links the previously created Piece (see Example 1)


POST /logistics-objects HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
        "cargo": ""
    "@type": "cargo:Shipment",
    "cargo:goodsDescription": "Lots of awesome ONE Record information materials",
    "cargo:shipmentOfPieces": [{
        "@id": ""



HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

Three different logistics objects have been published, i.e. they have been created and are accessible via their URIs:

  • Piece with the Logistics Object URI
  • Shipment with the Logistics Object URI,
  • Company with the Organization URI

This Logistics Objects will be used for the following examples.

Get a Logistics Object

Each Logistics Object MUST be accessible via its Logistics Objects URI using the HTTP GET method. This enables the Holder of the Logistics Object to manage access on the level of individual Logistics Objects (see access-control for more information). If the requester is authorized to access this Logistics Object then the response body MUST include the requested Logistics Object.

If not a historical version is explicitly requested (see Retrieve a historical Logistics Object), the ONE Record server MUST return the latest version of the requested Logistics Object.

Because of Linked Data as a core concept of ONE Record, it could be possible that the requested Logistics Object contains links to other Logistics Object (see Shipment in Example A3), If the User of the Logistics Object is interested in this linked data objects (which not necessary have to be on the same ONE Record server) and has the necessary access permissions, the User of the Logistics Object can request those Logistics Objects via their linked Logistics Object URIs.

Although linking logistics objects instead of embedding logistics objects is the preferred and RECOMMENDED approach, to reduce the number of GET requests, it can be helpful to request an embedded version of a Logistics Object by setting the optional query parameter embedded=true. The ONE Record server SHOULD then replace the linked Logistics Objects with the actual Logistics Objects by resolving the Logistics Object URIs (see Example B3).


The ONE Record server MAY only resolve and replace linked Logistics Objects that are published on the same ONE Record server.
Furthermore, there ONE Record server MAY not resolve and replace linked Logistics Events. Logistics Events MUST be accessed using the /logistics-events endpoint. (see Logistics Events)


 GET {{baseURL}}/logistics-objects/{{logisticsObjectId}}


The following query parameters MUST be supported:

Query parameter Description Valid values
embedded (optional) Optional parameter that can be used to request an embedded version of a Logistics Object, if the parameter is not set, a linked version of the Logistics Object is returned
  • true
  • false
at (optional) Optional parameter that can be used to request a historical version of Logistics Object, if the parameter is not set, the latest version is returned ISO 8601 UTC using format: YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ

The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the request:

Header Description Examples
Accept The content type that a ONE Record client wants the HTTP response to be formatted in. This SHOULD include the version of the ONE Record API, otherwise the latest supported ONE Record API MAY be applied.
  • application/ld+json
  • application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
  • application/ld+json; version=1.2


A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 200 OK status code. The body of the response includes the Logistics Object in the RDF serialization format that has been requested in the Accept header of the request.

The following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Example
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json
Content-Language Describes the language(s) for which the requested resource is intended. en-US
Type The type of the requested Logistics Object as a URI
Revision The revision of the requested Logistics Object as a positive numerical value. This is particularly relevant if the query parameter at= is set to request a historical version of the Logistics Object. 3
Latest-Revision The latest revision number of the Logistics Object as non-negative numerical value. 3
Last-Modified Date and time when the Logistics Object was last time changed. Syntax: Last-Modified: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> GMT. See Tue, 21 Feb 2023 07:28:00 GMT

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
200 The request to retrieve the Logistics Object has been successful Logistics Object
301 The URI of the Logistics Object has permanently changed. No response body
302 The URI of the Logistics Object has temporarily moved. No response body
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to retrieve the Logistics Object Error
404 Logistics Object not found Error
415 Unsupported Content Type Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


To engage with the "Get Logistics Object" endpoint, a client needs proper authentication and authorization to access the designated resource. If requests lack proper authentication, the ONE Record server should respond with a 401 "Not Authenticated" status. Conversely, for requests without proper authorization, a 403 "Not Authorized" response should be provided.

Example B1


GET /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Content-Language: en-US
Revision: 1
Latest-Revision: 1
Last-Modified: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 07:28:00 GMT

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "@language": "en-US"
    "@type": "cargo:Piece",
    "@id": "",
    "cargo:coload": false,
    "cargo:handlingInstructions": [
            "@type": "cargo:HandlingInstructions",
            "@id": "internal:1bc5261a-71bc-5493-9f56-852310d7e330",
            "cargo:handlingInstructionsType": "SPH",
            "cargo:description": "Valuable Cargo",
            "cargo:handlingInstructionsTypeCode": "VAL"


Example B2

This is an example for an unsuccessful HTTP GET request that results in an error.


GET /logistics-objects/11ccfb7c-3643-41db-8098-740fccd97c93 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json


HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Type: application/ld+json

   "@context": {
      "api": "",
      "@language": "en-US"
   "@type": "api:Error",
   "@id": "_:b0",
   "api:hasTitle": "Not authorized to retrieve the Logistics Object",
   "api:hasErrorDetail": [{
      "@type": "api:ErrorDetails",
      "@id": "_:b1",
      "api:hasCode": "403",
      "api:hasMessage": "Authenticated client could not be found in ACL for the Logistics Object",
      "api:hasResource": ""


Example B3

This is an example for a HTTP GET request that asks the ONE Record server to embed the linked Logistics Objects.


GET /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b3c?embedded=true HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Content-Language: en-US
Revision: 1
Latest-Revision: 1
Last-Modified: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 07:28:00 GMT

    "@context": {
        "cargo": ""
    "@type": "cargo:Shipment",
    "cargo:goodsDescription": "Lots of awesome ONE Record information materials",
    "cargo:shipmentOfPieces": [{
        "@type": "cargo:Piece",
        "@id": "",
        "cargo:coload": {
            "@type": "",
            "@value": "false"
        "cargo:handlingInstructions": [{
            "@type": "cargo:HandlingInstructions",
            "@id": "internal:1bc5261a-71bc-5493-9f56-852310d7e330",
            "cargo:handlingInstructionsType": "SPH",
            "cargo:description": "Valuable Cargo",
            "cargo:handlingInstructionsTypeCode": "VAL"


Example B4

This example illustrates an instance of an HTTP GET request that triggers a redirection. Various types of redirection can be employed based on requirements. The provided illustration demonstrates a 301 redirect used for indicating a permanent relocation of the resource.

In this case the Location header carries the new URL of the requested resource.


GET /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b3c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

Update a Logistics Object

In ONE Record, logistics objects MAY be updated. However, only the Holder of a LogisticsObject can update the data, while Users of the LogisticsObject can only request changes following a structure described in this section.

Technically, the HTTP PATCH method is used to request an update to a LogisticsObject. According to the W3C HTTP standard, PATCH is used for partial changes to a resource. This differs from the HTTP PUT method, which is used for the complete replacement of a resource.

Linked Data PATCH Format

Although ONE Record API specification does not put much emphasis on the use of RDF, it is important that the specification of RDF is fully respected to ensure that ONE Record remains compatible with RDF technologies, such as the use of graph queries.

W3C has developed the Linked Data PATCH Format for describing changes to Linked Data. It defines a list of operations to be performed against a Linked Data resource, namely the addition or removal of RDF triples in a graph representation of the resource.

This Linked Data PATCH Format provides many options for updating RDF but since ONE Record uses JSON-LD as the RDF Serialization, the ONE Record API specification follows the JSON-LD PATCH specification and limits the options for changing Logistics Objects to two actions only: delete and add.

The combination of delete and add is equivalent to replace. Thus, any property in a Logistics Object can be deleted, added, or replaced.

Guidelines for updating Logistics Objects in ONE Record:

  • Only the Holder of a Logistics Object MAY make the changes to logistics objects.
  • Any authenticated User of a Logistics Object CAN request a Change on a Logistics Object, which result in a ChangeRequest with the status REQUEST_PENDING.
  • The implementer of the ONE record server MUST ensure that the requester gets sufficient access to the resulting ChangeRequest to query the status of the ChangeRequest and to revoke pending ChangeRequests (see also section on revoking Action Requests)
  • The Holder of a Logistics Object decides about the ChangeRequest and applies changes to a Logistics Object unless there is a business or technical reason to reject it.
  • Evaluation and Application of a Change MUST occur as a single (atomic) event. Operations are sorted and processed as two groups of (1) delete operations and (2) add operations until all operations are applied, or else the entire update fails. If an error occurs, it is necessary to revert the logistics object back to its previous state before implementing the modification.
  • If a field update fails, the entire Change is unsuccessful. Partial updates MUST NOT be accepted. The ONE Record server MUST use the property hasError of the ChangeRequest to document the errors.
  • If the update is successful, the revision number in a Logistics Object's AuditTrail is incremented and the changes are recorded in the Audit Trail. Please refer to the sections on Historical Logistics Objects and Audit Trail of Logistics Objects for more details.
  • It is RECOMMENDED to get the latest version of Logistics Object before requesting a Change to ensure that the update is made to the latest version of the Logistics Object.
  • If a ChangeRequest is rejected by the Holder of the Logistics Object, the revision number of the Logistics Object is not incremented but the request is added to the AuditTrail of this Logistics Object, marked with the status REQUEST_REJECTED. A rejected ChangeRequest is kept in the AuditTrail of the Logistics Object.
  • After a ChangeRequest is accepted, other pending ChangeRequests that affect the same revision MUST be rejected.
  • The PATCH operation MUST NOT be used to create logistics objects; only linking to an existing object is allowed in a ChangeRequest.
  • The PATCH operation MUST NOT be used to link a LogisticsEvent to a Logistics Object. The ONE Record server MUST reject requested changes that contain operations to the hasLogisticsEvent property.
  • The ONE Record server MUST check that the property referencesLogisticsObject matches the URI/endpoint used for the PATCH request.
  • If datatype in OperationObject is an IRI of the ONE Record cargo ontology and is not a data class that inherits from LogisticsObject, then the ONE Record Server MUST generate an embeddedObjectId for the object in the value property of OperationObject (see section about Blank Nodes and Embedded Objects)

Logistics Objects MUST have a revision number, which is a non negative integer to be incremented after every applied change. The audit trail contains a field latestRevision which defines the latest revision of the Logistics Object.


 PATCH {{baseURL}}/logistics-objects/{{logisticsObjectId}}


The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the PATCH request:

Request Header Description Examples
Accept The content type that you want the HTTP response to be formatted in. application/ld+json
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json

The HTTP request body must contain a valid Change object in the format as specified by the Content-Type in the header.

The Change is a data class of the ONE Record API ontology. The properties and relationships to other data classes are visualized in the following class diagram.

    direction LR

    class LogisticsObject{

    class Organization{

    class ActionRequest {
        + hasError[]: Error [*]
        + isRequestedAt: xsd:dateTime         
        + isRequestedBy: Organization            
        + isRevokedBy: Organization 
        + hasRequestStatus: RequestStatus = REQUEST_PENDING
        + revokedAt: xsd:dateTime                 
    ActionRequest <|-- ChangeRequest

    ActionRequest "1" --> "0..*" Error     
    ActionRequest "1" --> "1..*" Organization : requestedBy    
    ActionRequest --> RequestStatus                
    ActionRequest "1" --> "1..*" Organization : revokedBy

    class ChangeRequest{
        + hasLogisticsObject: LogisticsObject                                
        + hasChange: Change        
    ChangeRequest "1" --> "1" LogisticsObject
    ChangeRequest "1" --> "1" Change

    class Change{        
        + hasOperation[]: Operation [1..*]        
        + hasDescription: xsd:string [0..1]
        + hasLogisticsObject: LogisticsObject
        + hasRevision: xsd:positiveInteger        
        + notifyRequestStatusChange: xsd:boolean = FALSE
    Change "1" --> "1" LogisticsObject
    Change "1" --> "1..*" Operation

    class Error{        
        + hasErrorDetail[]: ErrorDetails [1..*]
        + hasTitle: xsd:string
    Error "1" --> "*" ErrorDetails

    class ErrorDetails{
        + hasCode: xsd:string  [0..1]
        + hasMessage: xsd:string [0..1]
        + hasProperty: xsd:anyURI [0..1]
        + hasResource: xsd:anyURI [0..1]

    class Operation{
        + o: OperationObject|string
        + op: PatchOperation
        + p: xsd:anyURI
        + s: xsd:string
    Operation "1" --> "1" OperationObject
    Operation --> PatchOperation

    class OperationObject{
        + hasDatatype: xsd:anyURI
        + hasValue: xsd:string   

    class PatchOperation{
    class RequestStatus{


A successful request MUST return a `HTTP/1.1 201 Created status code and the following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Example
Location The URI of the newly created ChangeRequest
Type The type of the newly created resource as a URI

Otherwise, an Error object with ErrorDetails as response body MUST be returned with the following HTTP headers:

Header Description Example
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json
Content-Language Describes the language(s) for which the requested resource is intended. en-US

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
201 The change request was correctly created No body required
400 The update request body is invalid Error
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to update the Logistics Object Error
404 Logistics Object not found Error
415 Unsupported Content Type, response when the client sends a PATCH document format that the server does not support for the resource identified by the Request-URI. Error
422 Unprocessable request, when the server understands the PATCH document and the syntax of the PATCH document appears to be valid, but the server is incapable of processing the request. Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


To engage with the "Update Logistics Object" endpoint, a client needs only to be authenticated. If requests lack proper authentication, the ONE Record server should respond with a 401 "Not Authenticated" status.

Example C1

In the example below, a Piece is modified by setting the property goodsDescription to "BOOKS" and change the property coload from false to true. This results in the following operations that MUST be part of the Change:

  1. add the value "BOOKS" (xsd:string) to the property goodsDescription of Piece
  2. delete the value false (xsd:boolean) from property coload of Piece
  3. add the value true (xsd:boolean) to property coload of Piece


PATCH /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Change",
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasDescription": "Update goods description and coload",
    "api:hasOperation": [{
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": { "@id": "api:ADD" },
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": "ONE Record Advertisement Materials"
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": { "@id": "api:DELETE" },
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": "false"
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": { "@id": "api:ADD" },
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": "true"
    "api:hasRevision": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "1"



HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/ld+json

Example C2

In the example below, Piece#grossWeight is added. This results in the following operations that MUST be part of the Change:

  1. add the embedded object Value(unit="KGM", value=20.0) to the property Piece#grossWeight


PATCH /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Change",
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasDescription": "Add grossWeight",
    "api:hasOperation": [
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:ADD"
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [
                    "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                    "api:hasDatatype": "",
                    "api:hasValue": "_:b0"
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:ADD"
            "api:s": "_:b0",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [
                    "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                    "api:hasDatatype": "",
                    "api:hasValue": "KGM"
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:ADD"
            "api:s": "_:b0",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [
                    "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                    "api:hasDatatype": "",
                    "api:hasValue": "20.0"
    "api:hasRevision": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "2"



HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/ld+json

Example C3

In the example below, Piece#grossWeight is changed from 20.0 KGM to 25.0 KGM . This results in the following operations that MUST be part of the Change:

  1. delete the property value of embedded object Value(unit="KGM", value=20.0) within the property Piece#grossWeight
  2. add the property value 25.0 to the embedded object Value(unit="KGM") within the property Piece#grossWeight


The @id of the bNode for grossWeight in Example C2 was replaced by the ONE Record server with internal:7fc81d1d-6c75-568b-9e47-48c947ed2a07 after the ChangeRequest was accepted.


PATCH /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Change",
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasDescription": "Change grossWeight",
    "api:hasOperation": [{
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:DELETE"
            "api:s": "internal:7fc81d1d-6c75-568b-9e47-48c947ed2a07",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": "20.0"
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:ADD"
            "api:s": "internal:7fc81d1d-6c75-568b-9e47-48c947ed2a07",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": "25.0"
    "api:hasRevision": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "2"



HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/ld+json

Example C4

In the example below, Piece#grossWeight is deleted. This results in the following operations that MUST be part of the Change:

  1. delete the embedded object Value(unit="KGM", value=20.0) from the property Piece#grossWeight


PATCH /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Change",
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasDescription": "delete grossWeight",
    "api:hasOperation": [{
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:DELETE"
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": "_:b0"
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:DELETE"
            "api:s": "_:b0",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": "KGM"
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:DELETE"
            "api:s": "_:b0",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": "20"
    "api:hasRevision": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "3"



HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/ld+json

Example C5

In the example below, CustomsInformations are added to Piece#customsInfo. This results in following the workflow:

1. Create two CustomsInformation objects (see Create a Logistics Object)


POST /logistics-objects HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
        "cargo": ""
    "@type": "cargo:CustomsInformation",
    "cargo:countryCode": "DE",
    "cargo:subjectCode": "ISS"



HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev


POST /logistics-objects HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
        "cargo": ""
    "@type": "cargo:CustomsInformation",
    "cargo:countryCode": "DE",
    "cargo:subjectCode": "ISS",
    "cargo:contentCode": "RA",
    "cargo:otherCustomsInformation": "01234-01"



HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

2. Add the URI of the newly created CustomsInformation objects to the property Piece#customsInfos Request:

PATCH /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Change",
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": {
        "@id": ""
    "api:hasDescription": "add CustomsInformations",
    "api:hasOperation": [{
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:ADD"
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": ""
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": {
                "@id": "api:ADD"
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [{
                "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                "api:hasDatatype": "",
                "api:hasValue": ""
    "api:hasRevision": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "4"



HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/ld+json


Removing a bNode, the ONE Record server implementors should handle the cleansing of the triples.

Example C6

In the example below, the referencesLogisticsObject in the Change object differs from the Logistics URI that is used as the endpoint for the PATCH request. The ONE Record server returns a 400 Bad Request.


PATCH /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Change",
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": [
            "@type": "cargo:LogisticsObject",
            "@id": ""
    "api:hasDescription": "add CustomsInformations",
    "api:hasOperation": [
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": { "@id": "api:ADD" },
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [
                    "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                    "api:hasDatatype": "",
                    "api:hasValue": ""
    "api:hasRevision": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "4"



HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
       "api": "",
       "@language": "en-US"
    "@type": "api:Error",
    "@id": "_:b0",
    "api:hasTitle": "Logistics Object URI does not match",
    "api:hasErrorDetail": [{
       "@type": "api:ErrorDetails",
       "@id": "_:b1",
       "api:hasCode": "400",
       "api:hasMessage": "LogisticsObject URI in Change does not match requested Logistics Object URI",
       "api:hasResource": ""

Example C7

In the example below, the Change object contains an illegal operation, i.e. an ADD operation that affects the disallowed property hasLogisticsEvent. The ONE Record server returns a 400 Bad Request.


PATCH /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev
Accept: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "api": ""
    "@type": "api:Change",
    "api:hasLogisticsObject": [
            "@type": "cargo:LogisticsObject",
            "@id": ""
    "api:hasDescription": "add LogisticsEvent",
    "api:hasOperation": [
            "@type": "api:Operation",
            "api:op": { "@id": "api:ADD" },
            "api:s": "",
            "api:p": "",
            "api:o": [
                    "@type": "api:OperationObject",
                    "api:hasDatatype": "",
                    "api:hasValue": ""
    "api:hasRevision": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "4"



HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/ld+json; version=2.0.0-dev

    "@context": {
       "api": "",
       "@language": "en-US"
    "@type": "api:Error",
    "@id": "_:b0",
    "api:hasTitle": "Logistics Events can not be updated",
    "api:hasErrorDetail": [{
       "@type": "api:ErrorDetails",
       "@id": "_:b1",
       "api:hasCode": "400",
       "api:hasMessage": "Logistics Events of a Logistics Object can not be updated using PATCH",
       "api:hasResource": ""

Get Audit Trail of a Logistics Object

Every time a Logistics Object is requested to be updated as described in the previous section, the details of this request are added to an AuditTrail of a Logistics Object. Before a ChangeRequest is processed by the holder of a Logistics Object, the status of the ChangeRequest MUST be changed from REQUEST_PENDING to REQUEST_ACCEPTED or REQUEST_REJECTED.

The ChangeRequest data class object details about the success or failure of this request, e.g. timestamps, any errors that occurred, in addition to the operations to be applied to a LogisticsObject.

The AuditTrail is a data class of the ONE Record API ontology. The properties and relationships to other data classes are visualized in the following class diagram.

    direction RL

    class AuditTrail{                
        + hasChangeRequest[]: ChangeRequest [*]                
        + hasLatestRevision: xsd:positiveInteger       
    AuditTrail "1" --> "*" ChangeRequest


Users of the Logistics Object can retrieve the AuditTrail of the LogisticsObject. Holder of the Logistics Object is responsible for updating the AuditTrail.

The AuditTrail of a Logistics Object can be retrieved by performing a GET request to the Logistics Object URI appended by: "/audit-trail", e.g.

In order to retrieve the history of a Logistics Object between two dates, a query parameter should be added to the request URL as follows: "?updated-from=YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ&updated-to=YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ". The ONE Record client MUST specify this date-time window.


 GET {{baseURL}}/logistics-objects/{{logisticsObjectId}}/audit-trail


The following query parameters MUST be supported:

Query parameter Description Valid values
updated-from (optional) The start date of the requested audit trail. If not specificed the acutal time is taken. ISO 8601 UTC using format: YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ
updated-to (optional) The end date of the requested audit trail. If not specificed the logistics object creation date is taken. ISO 8601 UTC using format: YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ
status (optional) The type of change requests in the audit trail. If not specified all types are returned.

The following HTTP header parameters MUST be present in the request:

Request Header Description
Accept The content type that you want the HTTP response to be formatted in. Valid content types include: ▪ application/x-turtle or text/turtle ▪ application/ld+json
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. Valid content types include: ▪ application/x-turtle or text/turtle ▪ application/ld+json


A successful request MUST return a HTTP/1.1 200 OK status code. The response body follows the API AuditTrail class structure.

AuditTrail Description Required Class
hasChangeRequest List of change requests that were sent as PATCH for a Logistics Object yes api:ChangeRequest
hasLatestRevision The latest revision of the Logistics Object yes xsd:positiveInteger

Each change request follows the API ChangeRequest class structure.

The following HTTP headers parameters MUST be present in the response:

Header Description Example
Content-Type The content type that is contained with the HTTP body. application/ld+json
Content-Language Describes the language(s) for which the requested resource is intended. en-US

The following HTTP status codes MUST be supported:

Code Description Response body
200 The request to retrieve the Logistics Object has been successful Audit Trail
301 The URI of the Logistics Object has permanently changed. No response body
302 The URI of the Logistics Object has temporarily moved. No response body
401 Not authenticated Error
403 Not authorized to retrieve the Logistics Object Audit Trail Error
404 Logistics Object not found Error
415 Unsupported Content Type Error
500 Internal Server Error Error


To engage with the "Get Audit Trail of a Logistics Object" endpoint, a client needs proper authentication and authorization to access the designated resource. If requests lack proper authentication, the ONE Record server should respond with a 401 "Not Authenticated" status. Conversely, for requests without proper authorization, a 403 "Not Authorized" response should be provided.

The authorization to access the audit trail should be derived from the logistics objects. However, the implementor of a ONE Record server can decide to separate the control access between a logistics object and its audit trail.


The Audit trail comprehensively documents the chronological history of a logistics object. Individuals with access to the audit trail are able to view the complete evolution of the logistics object over time. Due to this, it is imperative for the implementer of the ONE Record server to exercise caution when granting access to this particular resource.

Example D1

The following example shows an AuditTrail including a ChangeRequest.


GET /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c/audit-trail HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Content-Language: en-US

  "@context": {
    "cargo": "",
    "api": ""
  "@type": "api:AuditTrail",
  "@id": "",
  "api:hasChangeRequest": [
      "@type": "api:ChangeRequest",
      "@id": "",
      "api:hasChange": {
      ...this contains a complete Change object...
      "api:hasError": [],      
      "api:isRequestedAt": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "2020-09-07T11:55:45.768Z"
      "api:isRequestedBy": "",
      "api:hasRequestStatus": {
        "@id": "api:REQUEST_STATUS_ACCEPTED"
  "api:hasLatestRevision": {
    "@type": "",
    "@value": "2"

Example D2

An example of an AuditTrail with ChangeRequests with Errors, e.g. the revision of the Logistics Object used in the submitted Change is outdated


GET /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c/audit-trail HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Content-Language: en-US

  "@context": {
    "cargo": "",
    "api": ""
  "@type": "api:AuditTrail",
  "@id": "",
  "api:hasChangeRequest": [
      "@type": "api:ChangeRequest",
      "@id": "",
      "api:hasChange": {
      ...this contains a complete Change object...
      "api:hasError": [
          "@type": "api:Error",
          "@id": "",
          "api:hasTitle": "LogisticsObject revision does not match",
          "api:details": [
              "@type": "api:ErrorDetails",
              "@id": "_:b1",
              "api:hasCode": "409",
              "api:hasMessage": "LogisticsObject revision does not match",
              "api:hasResource": ""
      "api:isRequestedAt": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "2020-09-07T11:55:45.768Z"
      "api:isRequestedBy": "",
      "api:hasRequestStatus": {
        "@id": "api:REQUEST_STATUS_REJECTED"
  "api:hasLatestRevision": {
    "@type": "",
    "@value": "2"

Retrieve a historical Logistics Object

In ONE Record, data is updated in real time and every time a ChangeRequest is applied successfully, a new version of the Logistics Object and only the latest content is available via its URI. However, there is a need to retrieve a specific version of a data object at a specific point in time, for example the Master Air Waybill (MAWB).


Reverting to a previous version of a Logistics Object with PATCH is not supported as out of scope of ONE Record.

An ONE Record server MUST enable the ONE Record client to request an historical version of a Logistics Object using the ?at= query parameter of the Logistics Object GET endpoint. This ?at= parameter MUST accept past datetime strings in ISO 8601 UTC using the following format: YYYYMMDDThhmmssZ


This datetime value MUST be in the past. If this parameter is before the creation date of the Logistics Object, 404 Not Found is returned. If this parameter is in the future, 400 Bad Request is returned.

To ensure consistency when following the linked objects in a response, all linked Logistics Object, i.e. their Logistics Object URIs. in the response body MUST also contain the ?at=query parameter with the same provided datetime value.

To retrieve an historical logistic object we use the "Get a logistics object" endpoint. Additional information on how to perform a correct request can be found in the section "Get a logistics object".

Example E1


GET /logistics-objects/1a8ded38-1804-467c-a369-81a411416b7c?at=20190926T075830Z HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Accept: application/ld+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/ld+json
Content-Language: en-US
Revision: 3
Latest-Revision: 4

    "@context": {
        "cargo": "",
        "@language": "en-US"
    "@type": "cargo:Piece",
    "@id": "",
    "cargo:coload": {
        "@type": "",
        "@value": "true"
    "cargo:goodsDescription": "ONE Record Advertisement Materials",
    "cargo:handlingInstructions": [
            "@type": "cargo:HandlingInstructions",
            "@id": "internal:1bc5261a-71bc-5493-9f56-852310d7e330",
            "cargo:handlingInstructionsType": "SPH",
            "cargo:description": "Valuable Cargo",
            "cargo:handlingInstructionsTypeCode": "VAL"
    "cargo:customsInformation": [
            "@type": "cargo:CustomsInformation",
            "@id": ""
            "@type": "cargo:CustomsInformation",
            "@id": ""
